Turn Up the Heat by Marie Harte

Turn Up the Heat by Marie Harte

Author:Marie Harte
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Published: 2022-02-18T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Thirteen

Mack hadn’t expected to have so much fun. Watching Cass let her hair down—and, damn, but she was amazing looking with it soft and long around her shoulders—metaphorically speaking, had been eye-opening.

She wasn’t guarded around her friends. She still teased, still wanted to win at all costs, and had been downright rude rubbing their noses in it, but she softened into a funny, fun partner.

He wanted her something fierce but made sure to act lighthearted and casual despite feeling a lot more than like for this warm, edgy woman.

Shannon cornered him in the kitchen while Jed and Cass argued about who had to put the game away. “She’s a keeper, you know.”

“Cass? Of course I know. But she’s skittish. I’m going in easy.”

“Good plan. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her laugh so much with anyone outside Jed and me. She takes herself too seriously. The girl just needs to relax.” She paused. “Just make sure to always be honest with her. Cass hates liars.”

“Yeah, me too.” They shared a smile, and Mack said, “I can tell Jed’s a good partner. Seems to always have her back. Cass is lucky.”

“Sounds like you are too. Your friends sound great. Jed told me about Tex. He sounds like a funny guy.”

“He’s Texan. They’re all a little funny.” He made the crazy sign by his ear, which had her laughing. “But seriously, thank you so much for having me for dinner. I had a great time.”

“That’s sweet. I know it wasn’t fancy. Just pot roast, but—”

“Just pot roast? Are you kidding? That roast is right up there with my mom’s lasagna. But never tell her I said that.”

Jed and Cass came in, saw Mack standing so close to Shannon, and froze.

Mack rolled his eyes at them both. “Really? Do you think I’d make a move where Cass might see me? Honestly, Jed. I’m not an idiot.”

Jed lost his menacing glared and laughed. “Another person who clearly knows she’s meaner than I am. Nice.”

Shannon shook her head. “Men are idiots.”

“Amen.” Cass sniffed. “Shannon, I just wanted to say thanks for dinner. And thank you for keeping the twins upstairs.”

Mack couldn’t believe she’d said that. “Cass. The twins are adorable.”

Jed blinked. “Ah, yeah. Maybe you can babysit them some time.”

“No thanks. Kittens are one thing. Kids another.”

“Kittens?” Shannon said.

The kids had a magical ability to appear out of nowhere. They emerged from the shadows and started interrogating him about the kittens.

“Mack rescued them,” Cass told them. “He helps with Pets Fur Life, a charity that helps home stray animals. He found the kittens.”

“We found them.”

“Yes, we found them behind a restaurant last week. He’s helping them grow big and strong so they can be adopted.”

“Damn it, Cass,” Jed growled under his breath.

“Kittens!” Sam looked to her mom. “Please, can we get one?”

Mike added, “Yes, Mom. Please? Please? Please?”

“Ah, well, they already have a promised home,” Mack said quickly, seeing the trouble brewing. “But if more come in, I’ll be sure to let your aunt know.


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